About Us
Principal: Dr. Ken Hamilton
Assistant Principal: Dr. Masheka Tempero-Culliver
Vision Statement
The vision of R. B. Hudson STEAM Academy is to develop scholars' critical thinking skills through rigorous and relevant content in order to maximize their potential in a global society.
Mission Statement
The mission of R.B. Hudson STEAM Academy is to produce world changers by providing innovative learning opportunities to include parental and community partnerships through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in a safe, nurturing environment.
Bulldog Creed
I am a Hudson Bulldog, I will
Be prepared for class and ready to learn each day
Understand that I must treat others the way I desire to be treated
Learn to follow directions and cooperate with others.
Learn to always do my best.
Dare to dream!
Own up to my responsibilities
Give respect to people, especially myself and property because
Success starts with me
Contact Information
1701 Summerfield Road
Selma, Alabama 36701
Phone (334) 874-1675
FAX (334) 874-1679